I started reading the book Twilight a few months ago. I'd never heard of it before until a co-worker of mine mentioned it as some new book she'd started reading after the Harry Potter series. I still didn't think anything about it. About a month later, she mentioned it again. I decided to go ahead and try it. I wasn't all that thrilled about it yet but I figured I'd see what the buzz was all about. I did some online research about it and decided to take the plunge and buy all 4 books from a book club so that I could read them all non-stop. Good thing I did, because I didn't realize when these books had been previously released and how hard it would have been to find the last 3 books in the series. So I received the books but hadn't had the motivation to start reading them for about a week after they came. Then, the next weekend, I decided to go ahead and give the series a shot. I later kicked myself for waiting so long to start them! I was so happy that I'd not heard of them until after I was able to buy them all. I seriously don't know what I would have done if I'd of had to wait for the next book to be released. Needless to say, I read all 4, super large books in 5 days. I was so completely hooked that I lost weight, couldn't eat, was super depressed...my life had suddenly lost control. The story was so magnificent in such a dreamy dream world that I desperately wanted to live in that world. I know that sounds crazy, but it was imperative that I did. Once I finished the books, I immediately started reading them again. This time, I was even more hooked but knew there were parts of this story line that I wanted to pass on. So, I am so devoted to this story and the characters. I actually felt what they were feeling. I actually cried and was hurting like the characters. The books were like a drug for me. With that being said, I was so excited to know that I would be able to see this magnificent love story on the big screen. Here's my review of my favorite love story ever told:
SPOILER ALERT: Incase you haven't read the books and want to, don't read anymore of this post. If you don't care about any of it, then why are you reading this?
So I went to see Twilight at the midnight showing. I was so excited. The trailer did a good job of showing you parts of the film destined to get you worked up. Well...I have to say that I was kind of disappointed in the film. One thing that I think would have made it better for me was if they'd removed the cheesy music that was composed for Bella's Lullaby. I'd really love for that song to have been rewritten. It distracted from the scenes so much that I felt myself not focusing on the characters. I felt as if I were watching a soap opera between the music and the weird camera angles that were happening at times. I'm not in love with Bella's Lullaby and that is unfortunate because it's one of the things I was waiting to hear because it had such a presence in the book.
I loved the casting for everybody. Everybody but Mike. He was such a terrible cast. I didn't buy him as a more jock of a guy. He seemed more like a nerdy-weasel. All the vampires cast were fantastic. I didn't know what I'd think of Alice or Jasper but I loved them both. Jasper really looked like he was in pain, uncomfortable and weird. Alice was so cute and sweet. She was the one I was the most worried about but she was perfect. The only unfortunate thing for the Cullen family is that their back story was completely missing from the movie and there wasn't any time spent building the characters. Now for New Moon, the movie will have to play catch up since the whole idea of the story is that Bella lives among the vampire world with the Cullens. And with Edward trying to kill himself in the middle of New Moon, this movie will have to explain the Volturi family in Italy. I really enjoyed learning about Carlisle's and the family's history of where each of them came from. I know that those of us that have read the books will already know that information. But for those few people who haven't, that go see this film, might feel lost. I know that they wouldn't share the love you have for this family simply from seeing this movie. In the books, you adore the family, regardless of their pasts. But boy, do they all look magnificent! I loved there looks. I'd have a crush on them too if I were in that high school!
I understand that the whole story is from Bella's point of view. So if there are characters that weren't completely portrayed the way they should be then that's because it's her point of view and there's no way she'd know most of that. If it weren't for Midnight Sun, we might not know how some of the characters really are. Jessica was good in acting sort of snooty and jealous. But Bella didn't know how hateful Jessica's thoughts were because they were her thoughts. I did like that you were able to see some of the important things from Edward's point of view on when he'd be eavesdropping on people.
Why people had to die in this film, I'll never understand. Yes, okay, there are some nomad vampires hunting within the Cullen's territory. But people didn't have to die if they didn't in the book. Unfortunately for the movie, I think that is part of what hurt it. They spent more time on 2 characters dying when they could have used that valuable time introducing characters and focusing on the attraction between Edward and Bella. I felt a bond with them in the books but I didn't leave the theater feeling that bond with them.
I missed the multiple conversations that Edward and Bella constantly had in Twilight. Instead, in the movie, they just showed clips of them talking dubbed over with loud, annoying soap opera music. They're conversations are what makes their relationship what it is. You don't get any of that. You get some arguing about whether they should be friends or not, some random ignoring of each other and then instant dating. That in between time is missing. So I felt that story of their bonding was lack luster.
The timing of the film felt extremely rushed. Even though it was a 2 hour film, it felt like an hour and a half. They should have gone ahead and made this a 2 and a half hour film. I know that the studio is failing and that the budget wasn't very large but come on! If you're going to wrangle a book series that has a cult following, then you'd better do it right! Nothing like getting a ticket out of bankruptcy and then losing it in the wind. Lord knows, New Moon better be good. I better cry when he leaves her! I better cry when he comes back and he's carrying her back to his house to talk to the family about when was the appropriate time to turn her. Those two scenes are super important to me. If they're screwed up, then this movie is going to be a let down. I better know, see, and feel that neither of them can live in this world if they other one isn't.
I didn't think the director really got it all that much. I'd much rather of had a Harry Potter director. The fairytale of this story seemed lost in the shuffle somewhere. The scenery was fantastic and the color of the film was great.
I blame myself for ruining the soundtrack. I am not a fan of the music from the soundtrack yet. I do love Paramore's Decode. That's a good song. I'm not a Linkin Park fan though. Rob Pattinson, the actor playing Edward, has an awesome voice. I never would have thought that but his songs are great. When I was reading the books, I created my own soundtrack and it included more bands like Coldplay, The Cure, Depeche Mode, the more moody and brooding bands. So now, when I hear those songs, I think of certain scenes in the books. I can't get into the actual soundtrack yet. It may have to grow on me for a while.
I'm annoyed by all the critics and reporters or people just adding their two cents on the film because they're complaining about there being no biting, no blood, no fangs. But my favorite complaint is that Bella and Edward spend too much time staring into each other's eyes, there's too much brooding between them. WTF! That's what they do in the book. I WANT to see that. I'm paying close to $10 a ticket to see that. Lord knows, I better get some staring and brooding! Excuse me if you don't get it! Did you read the books? Then shut the hell up! You wouldn't be saying all that ridiculous bullshit if you had. So all that tells me is that if you haven't read the books, you're more than likely not going to like this movie. So don't bother going to see it.
I've seen the movie twice and the second time was better. There are scenes in the film that are funny. And then there are scenes that are inappropriately funny. They shouldn't even be funny. I should be all caught up in their emotions but instead, I'm laughing out loud. I think that's another thing that hurt this film. I laughed more than my heart hurt. And being opening night and midnight movie madness, the crowds were extra loud. That made it hard to focus on the characters.
Strangely enough, I don't hate the film. I don't LOVE it, but I like it a lot now. And I'm strangely drawn to see it some more. I'm going to see it a few more times. I'm hoping that not having a full theater of other excited people will help me to focus on the characters and the story more.
I gave it a C+ the first viewing. I changed it to a B after the second viewing. It will never go any higher than that until they rewrite Bella's Lullaby.
And that, my friends, is my review of the film that I was dying to see.