Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm Harry disappointed!

So I've been having this internal countdown till Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out to theaters. November 21st sounded great to me. Not too far away. Now, I read a story on Yahoo News that the release date has been pushed back to July 17! JULY 17th? OF 2009???!!! Good Lord, they're killing me. I've already read book 6 and 7 and have started book 6 again and I'm more than half way through. I'm gonna drive off a cliff. I can't believe I have to wait that long. I guess the only positive thing is I'll have summer Fridays at that point and won't have to take vacation to go see it.

Speaking of vacation, I'm frantically putting together the booklet for our cruise. I'm trying to hurry before summer ends so we can have a party to discuss it and play some Wii. But I'm also wanting to maybe use it as a portfolio piece. I'm so close to being finished though. I hope to be done or close to done by the end of this weekend.

Greyson recently was referred to the Benton County Sunshine School for developmental testing. He was actually doing really well and he didn't qualify for therapy. That's great news! Now we don't have to worry whether his motor skills were lacking or if his speech was behind. He's perfectly normal and is above average in some developmental things. High five little man!

I've had this itch to write on my story some more. I'm sure it's because of the reading I'm doing and the writing Mike's doing on his story. Erin at work has been talking about how in love with the Twilight Series she and her friends are. I went ahead and ordered the first book so it should be here soon and I'll get to see what all the buzz is about. I love vampire stuff. Bela Lagosi is my favorite old school vampire. He's classy and old time handsome. Even though he got the shaft in Hollywood, he's still a great.

Jennifer had a garage sale a couple of weeks ago and that was great. It felt good to get some of that crap out of the house and the garage. The whole sale made just over $1100. Of course Jennifer made just over $700 of that and the rest was split by me, Regina, Jonathan and Coco. So that was nice. We got $169 of it. I feel like there's more we could purge from the house. It still feels cramped. We just have a lot of stuff. A lot of it is frames, I mean, how can you throw out frames, especially when they have photos in them? What can you do.

Still haven't finished our flower bed out front. We've been really busy and the heat has been unbelievable. Well, I guess it's more the humidity. But still, we couldn't move at the garage sale without sweat rolling off our entire bodies. It was f-in hot! It's been nice the past week. Some rain and cloudy days, with temps in the mid to high 80's. I'll take it, it's a nice change and makes me crave fall weather and Coldplay.

Alright, till later.