Monday, September 29, 2008

Looking for Jobs in all the right places

So I'm real bummed. I just found out today that my work is closing it's doors this week. So I'm jobless now. I hate that. I really loved my job but with the economy the way it is and with Walmart making so many changes, suppliers just aren't spending the money anymore. And here I am, again, looking for a job. Blah! I hope to find one as fun as Damay Marketing. Everybody was so nice here. I'll miss everybody that I worked with. So needless to say...I'm sad to be leaving. But wish me luck on finding something new.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn is breaking down

I know some of you aren't happy with Breaking Dawn. So far, Janet, you're the only one out of our group to think that. But we're still waiting on Regina, Jennifer, Becky and Jonathan to have finished. They're all hovering between New Moon and Eclipse. So it won't be long now. I'm curious what they think of it, too. I actually liked it though. I thought it was more sweet that they were actually able to conceive and it come as a shock to the whole family. It did take LOTS of turns and was close to getting a little too crazy but I still enjoyed it. I think that sometimes authors get so caught up in the hype that they're in a frenzy to finish and the story starts to suffer. I read a review by a 13yr old and she felt that the book was a departure from Bella and Edward's true world. I agree, for sure. I never expected them to have a child, I expected the standoff at the end to turn out different. But all in all, I'm a hopeless romantic and ALWAYS want the "happily ever after" to happen for such beloved characters. I'm reading Eclipse again, now and will probably be starting Breaking Dawn this weekend. I'm planning on reading much slower. In my haste to plow through the books at lightening speed, I've misunderstood some things and have missed some as well. So I'm glad to be re-reading them. I think I'll have a better opinion of the book after that. I loved it and I'll definitely be super thrilled to be reading it again. And sad on the other hand because I've finished the series and the only thing I have is the movie in 2 months. So I'll re-read them again, I'm sure. I still hope that Stephenie will finish Midnight Sun. It's a million times better than Twilight, but only after you've read the entire series. Otherwise, you'll be more confused than anything and the mysteries of the series won't be there anymore. I think the main reason I'm able to love Breaking Dawn is because I have SO much vested in Bella and Edward and the world they exist in that it's not that far out there about the events that happen. I love her special talent all the more and having re-read the first few books am starting to see more hidden info about her talent and her fate as a vampire. I was super happy that she actually got to become one, I'm still having a little trouble visualizing Edward being happy about having a child when he never expected that would happen to him. The book never shows his full joy about being a father. So I'm just curious about that. Also, with Bella being so dead-set against getting married the first place, it's hard to believe having a baby would be something she'd totally immerse herself in. But I guess no matter what age, if you are so passionately in love with someone like that and you share another human being, then I suppose she could for lack of  better words "be a bit off her rocker". Reading Bella's perspective makes me feel like she's very overbearing for Edward's existence and his family. She brings much trouble with her and they all must face it because of Edward's love for her in addition to the family's love for her. Also, with her being a shield, I think part of her talent is she's able to solve problems and almost has a higher intuition than others. She really knew that this baby was going to be good and not bad. I admit, I was second guessing her, though. I was on team Edward at that point. The blood drinking thing made sense in a sick way. I thought it was an interesting twist on that part of the story. Weird but interesting. I loved getting to see her hunt and learn how to expand her talents and make herself much more than she thought she could be. Alright, I'll stop rambling. Incase you haven't noticed...I'm a Twihard!


Midnight Sun

Okay so I've read Twilight again, and have finished New Moon, again. And I'm browsing my more-than-once-a-day websites to watch the trailers for Twilight. YES, PEOPLE, I'm obsessed! MUCH! And as I started out on Yahoo, I noticed a story about how the author, Stephenie Meyer was going put her story, titled, Midnight Sun, on hold indefinitely. I remember seeing that a couple of days ago, just the mention of the book but was so blinded by what I was seeking (the trailers) that I totally ignored it. Well, upon finding the Yahoo story today, I read it and discovered that she was writing an adaptation to Twilight from Edward Cullens' point of view! I'm sure some of you have known that for some time. I'm just getting into this series so every wound is still fresh for me. I find out that someone she trusted leaked the 264 page draft onto the internet. Now she's so upset that she says she won't finish it at all!!! I'm so upset that I think I'll jump out in front of an out-of-control van on black ice (you have to have read the books to get that reference). I'm so desperate for her to finish this book the way she had intended. I was talking to my husband about it and he got my hopes up a little by mentioning it could just be a publicity stunt. A lot of people claim that stuff is stolen and the idea gets so much more hype than it would have generated on it's release date. She gave a few drafts to trusted people and one of them leaked it. If she doesn't decide to finish it, then that person should damned to eternal hell. Cause that's what I'm living right now having read the draft and desperately wanting to finish. If she doesn't finish it, it would be a HUGE mistake on her part. Obviously, Edward is the favorite and every girl I know, including myself, are hopelessly in love with him. OF COURSE I'D BUY THE BOOK WHETHER IT WAS LEAKED OR NOT! Also, I'd want her to write all 4 books from Edward's perspective. It's interesting to know one side of the story of a damned love affair but to know the other side is totally refreshing. It's a she said he said idea that I'm totally in love with. You know what Bella Swan's thinking through the whole book but you know Edward is editing his thoughts to her. But you never get the full story. I love that I can see his infatuation for her and sooner than her obsession starts for him. I never knew that! But please, for the love of all that is holy, if you love Edward and Bella as much as me, please, PLEASE don't read the draft until you've read the 4 books. There are some spoilers in there. I was super pleased to have read them after I'd read all the books. If I'd of read the draft before I finished all the books, there wouldn't have been as much mystery and I wouldn't have felt as deeply as the characters felt. The writing is so compelling that I felt they were real and was having a hard time remembering that they're fictional.

So if you feel as strongly as I do about her finishing her adaptation and if you'd like to see her do the rest of the books from Edward's point of view, please voice your opinion. I beg you! For my sanity and her pocketbook, she needs to finish this book and I BEG, BEG, BEG her to adapt the other 3 books to Edward's thoughts!

Thanks for listening to me vent!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So I've been super absorbed in reading the Twilight series the past week and a half. I've read all 4 books and in 5 days! I'm almost finished with book 1 again and about to restart book 2. This obsession has my sleep schedule in chaos. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I haven't checked my email since I started reading on Saturday, August 23rd. That's literally, all I've been doing, is reading. The writing is so good and the action is so tense that I start feeling what the characters are feeling. It's crazy how a book can get you so worked up and make you cry at the same time. Bella and Edward are the lead characters and their love for one another is over the top. And I might add, that he's the hottest vampire to ever walk this earth! Now I'm dying for the movie just to see the book come to life. I can tell by the trailer that quite a few things have been changed but nonetheless it's still my book in live action. It's an addiction like meth. Read it once and you're hooked. I've been begging everyone I know to read the books so I can talk to somebody about them. So far, I've been successful. 3 friends are reading them and from what they've been texting me all weekend, they seem to love them. I knew they would. This series isn't for the guys, that's for sure. They might enjoy the movie more since it's such a romance novel about forbidden love between a human and a vampire. But, the action scenes should be good if they're done well. Okay, enough talking about the books. Back to reading them!!
