Friday, April 4, 2008

Lost Voice

So I lost my voice last night. And today, still nothing but weird little sounds and some breakthroughs of actual voice action. Although some of you may be glad. : ) It's funny how you never think about not being able to make a phone call or order at a drive thru. I got my hair cut this morning and was struggling trying to tell the guy what I wanted. It turned out great though. So I guess I can talk less then. If I can get a good haircut with no voice, then why talk at all. Oh, that's right I love to talk. I almost forgot. I love chocolate cake, too. That I don't forget. Why is chocolate cake so good? Damn you and your decadent love. Stupid cake. So I'm off work today. It's nice. Ironically, I'm taking my Dr. Martin Luther King day off since we were so busy I didn't get to use it a couple of months ago. I think I finally have my blog to the set up that I want. Although, one thing that bugs me is that when I return to start a new paragraph, all the copy's leading is much tighter. I don't understand all that coding stuff so I don't know how to fix that. Any help for a chocolate cake lover? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the blog is looking good! as for html spacing I can help you out ... we pop over some night and I will teach you how to go in and edit.

Feel better! (janet)